

Combined Services Orthopaedic Society


About the Society

The Combined Services Orthopaedic Society was formed in 1974 in order to promote orthopaedic specialty training in the Armed Services as a civilian organisation. It is funded entirely by members’ contributions and sponsorship from trade organisations.

Meetings are held annually, and are open to all present and past members of the Armed Services with an interest in Trauma and Orthopaedics. In addition Consultant Advisors to the Defence Medical Services are invited. The change in Military Secondary Care Medical Provision in the last few years, with the formation of the Joint Hospital Groups (JHG) within large NHS Trusts, and military trainees being placed into centres of excellence, has provided a platform for trainees to present work on a broad range of Orthopaedic subjects.

The conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have increased the relevance of Military Trauma and thus the overall reputation of the Society. The ongoing conflict in Eastern Europe has highlighted the importance of currency, international partnership and the requirement to identify lessons. As an affiliated Society to the British Orthopaedic Association, the annual meeting now has a recognised position in the Orthopaedic Events Calendar.



➤ President

Mr Simon Hodkinson


➤ Chairman

Col Alistair Mountain


➤ Secretary

Surg Lt Cdr Tom Stevenson


Areas of Practice

Annual Conference

The CSOS annual conference is typically held in May each year and moves around the country to some interesting venues. It brings together the Orthopaedic cadre, from trainees to serving consultants and retired or affiliated members.


Members are encouraged to complete research during their careers and CSOS offers an opportunity to present, discuss and further this work on a national stage. It also ignites opportunity for collaborative work between members practicing in different regions.


The conference is linked to an instructional day for trainees with a wide variety of topics covered over the years from both the civilian and military training curriculums.


Trainees of every level, from medical student to post CCT registrars, are welcome to join the society and attend the CSOS conferences. This brings a wealth of advice and guidance which can be offered by those more senior to progress in training.


With our members working all around the UK in various hospitals, CSOS offers an amazing opportunity to both make new acquaintances and enhance those previously made. We are also very fortunate as this society doesn’t exist in every speciality.


When working in many stressful environments both deployed and non-deployed, the society can help build relationships with like minded people and offer ways to cope and flourish.


Many Thanks to our CSOS Conference Sponsors

He who wishes to be a surgeon should go to war
— Hippocrates (460-370 BC)